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Weekly our ministry offers various settings for worship that include: The Hour of Empowerment (a one hour worship) on Monday mornings (8:30 a.m.), and Thursday evenings (6:30 p.m.)

Brother-2-Brother,(Thursday 9:00 a.m.)


NIGHTQUEST, a popular full scale, highly competitive, structured,

5-on-5 basketball league that offers a compelling worship component that stresses the need for a relationship with Jesus Christ as the lone “elixir” for their montage of societal ills.

Although LIFEQUEST is anchored in one of the best communities in America, Grand Rapids, in terms of philanthropy, faith, and economic development, we have a uphill battle daily to secure resources for, arguable one of the most neglected, and challenged audience in the country: African American males ages 14-45. The vast majority of ministry resources allocated to ministries and other non-profits that serve West Michigan go to endeavors that reach out to: children under 14, women with children, and affordable housing. Yet, according to a plethora of statistics, the single, largest, under-affirmed, and under-performing, audience in Grand Rapids remains the urban male.

One of the most tiring, and continuing annual battle in securing valuable, ministry, resources in order to provide ministry, is the cadre of hurtful, yet private comments that many urban ministry providers hear almost daily from would be donors, such as,”I don’t see the urban problem getting any better…” or, “we prefer to designate our giving to international causes,” or, the most painful of all, “we don’t give to religious organizations, but we would be glad to help if the faith component were eliminated….” Arguably, our audience remains the least funded among those of the “community of faith” based on a sales term, called “F.U.D.”, or Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. We are always searching for team members to help us to help others.

Our ministry mantra for those returning from prodigal situations, not just from incarceration, but from the years, and the vices associated with living a life in a deficit position that includes, but not limited to: poverty, secular and spiritual illiteracy, and parental neglect, is that they should not be treated as lepers simply because of their vast level of needs, rather, they should be embraced as sons, and daughters, that are returning to their Father in a “right mind”. I try extremely hard throughout the year to shed the incorrect label of being “re-entry ministry” that’s been attached to LIFEQUEST, and instead promote that we are merely a strict, Word-driven, performance based ministry that believes in providing a “hand up” to those that are sincere in their “quest” for spiritual maturity and personal growth.

I personally welcome you to become a partner of this ministry in the following areas of need: prayer, financially, physically (volunteer), or advocacy. We NEED you in all areas of our ministry.

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